February 22, 2023
With Another Strong Rain Storm Forecast, USBR May Release Water Down the Santa Ynez River
Release estimated to begin Wednesday or Thursday, February 22 or 23, 2023
Cachuma Lake is full and rain is forecast over the next five days. United States Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) advised SYRWCD that Reclamation expects to release water from Lake Cachuma though the Bradbury Dam Spillway Gates down the Santa Ynez River beginning either late Wednesday, February 22, 2023 or morning of Thursday, February 23, 2023. The maximum flow rate will be about 2,000 cfs. Reclamation will review updated forecasts and coordinate with the County of Santa Barbara to determine the day and time to initiate the Spillway operations.

United States Bureau of Reclamation
Cachuma Daily Operations Table
Here is a LINK to Reclamation's Cachuma Daily Operations Table: a daily summary of storage, inflows, and quantity of water released per outlet location from Cachuma Reservoir.