Water Rights Release 2021
The Santa Ynez River will flow beginning August 2, 2021

The Santa Ynez River Water Conservation District has called for a downstream 89-18 water rights release to be made from Lake Cachuma this summer. The release is scheduled to start on Monday August 2, 2021. It is anticipated to end on November 1, 2021 for a total release of about 5,800 acre-feet of water. The release will be from the Above Narrows Account (ANA) only. The planned end date and total amount released is subject to actual conditions experienced during the three month time frame and is subject to change.
In consideration of continuing extreme drought condition and future projections, the Below Narrows Account (BNA) water is being held back as a hedge against another potentially consecutive dry winter. There is a high probability of a combined ANA/BNA release next summer (2022), depending upon rainfall this coming winter.
This release has been coordinated with United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) Operations staff, Cachuma Operation & Maintenance Board (COMB) Fisheries Division, and Central Coast Water Authority (CCWA).
Please call or email me with any questions.
Kevin D. Walsh, General Manager
805-693-1156, ext. 409